Okay, I fixed one of my angels, the other will just find a place in my closet with other artwork that is really is artwon't. But she's okay; I like her. Serene, strong and beautiful.
Did a journal page that looks like Carrot Top's sister. Will reluctantly post, just can't get my head around how garish she looks--maybe she's just a sign of the stress I feel. Hey, Munch had his painting of woman with red hair and green eyes and she was really, really scary. He was freaked out about Hitler,and I'm freaked out about finals, work, and the holidays. Hardly seems equitable, but hey, stress is a relative thing. Why is it I can create under incredible stress, but everything else goes on autopilot when I'm stressed? Creation is joyous, I guess. It's a path away from the darkness. Creation is a promise of renewal, a constant, a friend.
Love the texture of this painting. Have always had a soft spot for angels.