Saturday, October 3, 2009

We tend to draw and paint ourselves and in my case, a much younger self. I love the look in her eyes. No text yet. The papers were loads of fun to make ranger resist inks with stamps, and my forlorn former self. I'm actually coming close to an end to this moleskine journal--it's starting to fall apart. This journal was all about the human face, fantasy, hopes, daydreams and the pleasure of putting pencil to page. Somewhere the girls grow to be women, and the women grow into aging. Skin sags and sallows, her eyes see it before it happens and she mourns her youth. The vibrance of the papers suggest a renewed purpose and goals. It is time to look outward instead of into a mirror that will only disappoint.


  1. It was great to meet you last weekend - I am inspired to try faces. Will see where that takes me.

  2. Elizabeth--you'll do great! It's all proportion and value change, the expression comes later. Google facial proportions and go from there. Love your blog, thanks for your nice comment!
