Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Mighty Meg

Monday, October 25, 2010
oil bar portrait
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
New Blog
Hey friends, fellow artists and bloggers. I'm starting a new one It's called Mistakes not Withstanding. www.mistakesnotwithstanding.blogspot.com. Check it out if you get a chance.
I'll paint tomorrow I hope...
I'll paint tomorrow I hope...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Typically, I hate rain.
It makes the sky look like an iron shell threatening to crash down on me at any moment.
It also makes my wavy hair frizz in a profoundly unflattering manner. In darker moments, I wonder if God isn't weeping.
Yes, it can get that gloomy sometimes.
But there was good rain. And I'm not talking about the rain that the terminally cheerful among us proclaim "yes, but we need it, think of the crops!" I live in a fairly urban area--there are no crops that I can rally, and even if there were, the eco-system does not need me to cheer it on. It's far bigger than I, and one of the very few things I will stubbornly admit is out of my control.
But, I remember warm summer rain from when I was a kid. When as a child one could go out and run in it, let it soak your skin, and yes laugh. I remember the beauty of watching the water collect and braid down sewer drains, the iridescent rainbows made from gasoline leaks on the roads. The joyful splash of a gigantic puddle. We greeted the rain with a joyful, lusty response, we met it head on, and challenged it.
So maybe it isn't just the rain. It's our learned mature, adult fear and aversion to it. As adults we cower from it. Hide beneath our umbrellas, run from our cars to shelter as quickly as possible.
We would certainly not linger in it, let it fall on our face, or leap like a half crazed lunatic into a giant puddle.
In my case, any and all observers of this behavior would simply nod in a collective affirmation of a long presumed opinion: "She is just odd."
But what would they really see-- defiance, a pursuit of joy, and wonder?
And would I be brave enough to be that odd, to find that long lost kid who just didn't care. Instead of the adult who has long since put away notions of embracing happiness wherever and whenever one finds it.
Even if it's just warm, soft drops of water on one's face.
It makes the sky look like an iron shell threatening to crash down on me at any moment.
It also makes my wavy hair frizz in a profoundly unflattering manner. In darker moments, I wonder if God isn't weeping.
Yes, it can get that gloomy sometimes.
But there was good rain. And I'm not talking about the rain that the terminally cheerful among us proclaim "yes, but we need it, think of the crops!" I live in a fairly urban area--there are no crops that I can rally, and even if there were, the eco-system does not need me to cheer it on. It's far bigger than I, and one of the very few things I will stubbornly admit is out of my control.
But, I remember warm summer rain from when I was a kid. When as a child one could go out and run in it, let it soak your skin, and yes laugh. I remember the beauty of watching the water collect and braid down sewer drains, the iridescent rainbows made from gasoline leaks on the roads. The joyful splash of a gigantic puddle. We greeted the rain with a joyful, lusty response, we met it head on, and challenged it.
So maybe it isn't just the rain. It's our learned mature, adult fear and aversion to it. As adults we cower from it. Hide beneath our umbrellas, run from our cars to shelter as quickly as possible.
We would certainly not linger in it, let it fall on our face, or leap like a half crazed lunatic into a giant puddle.
In my case, any and all observers of this behavior would simply nod in a collective affirmation of a long presumed opinion: "She is just odd."
But what would they really see-- defiance, a pursuit of joy, and wonder?
And would I be brave enough to be that odd, to find that long lost kid who just didn't care. Instead of the adult who has long since put away notions of embracing happiness wherever and whenever one finds it.
Even if it's just warm, soft drops of water on one's face.
Sunday, October 10, 2010

that's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight, losing my religion.
Trying to keep up with you, and I don't know if I can do it.
Oh no, I've said too much, I haven't said enough.--REM
What can I say they speak to me....especially lately....I cannot verbalize the feeling of estrangement from life as I knew it sometimes. I feel that I am crossing a shaky bridge ready to give way at any step. Yet if I make it, things will be good....So I persevere....sometimes angrily, sometimes resignedly.
don't fall on me....
I am so drawn to the beauty of the lyric. The anguish I hear in the music draws me in so deeply. I wonder how in their depressed state with their lyrics they create beauty. These lyrics have been my background, my soundtrack....don't fall on me. I struggle to create, when all I want to do is sit in bed and read fantasy, because reality has become so oppressive. I push myself, and my music stays at my side, holding my hand, guiding me, leading me. I am thankful...

buy the sky, and sell the sky, and lift your arms up to the sky, and ask the sky and tell the sky...don't fall on me....
I am so drawn to the beauty of the lyric. The anguish I hear in the music draws me in so deeply. I wonder how in their depressed state with their lyrics they create beauty. These lyrics have been my background, my soundtrack....don't fall on me. I struggle to create, when all I want to do is sit in bed and read fantasy, because reality has become so oppressive. I push myself, and my music stays at my side, holding my hand, guiding me, leading me. I am thankful...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
In the Green
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010

struggle, struggle, struggle, but I do like her face. I stopped going straight in with caran de arch watercolor crayons. Her face is almost entirely acrylic titan buff, aliz crim, raw sienna. I just don't know what to do with the composition sometimes....going to stay away from caran de arche to start and just get a good acrylic base down for skin tone....
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Find Your Garden

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Red Romance
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Rapture of Color
Saturday, July 10, 2010
still working on it
Annie in Tulips

Repeating on a theme. Trying, still, to stay loose and painterly. Like collaging the tulips in. These are a print of a watercolor I did two years ago.
This is my big new moleskine--so I might consider framing this one. Just played started out a mess, but evolved. Trust the process. Art makes me realize that I don't trust easily, especially when it comes to my own ability.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
warm days

A hot fourth of July and many edits. Went tight again, had to prove something. Covered it up with a loose cheat technique, and I love it. I love the warmth of the colors alizarian crimson over, quinacradone gold....say that twice!! But truly I love the suggestion, the looseness of it. When will I ever lean--I'm so tight.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
journal entry daysleeper

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I carry you in my heart journal page

Loved this technique. Actually started a new page and left the old page to mess with later. I love this poem, and the painting is of Annie again but so loose and fun. Collaged in some ranger ink stamped papers. I really like this method of painting. I think I'm going to try it in my bigger journal tomorrow.
Kind of a bluesy day. I haven't been feeling well and work issues still weigh heavily on my mind even though it's been over a week since I left. I keep obsessing over September. But, I do have an interview with another school tomorrow. Yay...I think I am growing as an artist. I just wish I didn't work so much in isolation. It's fun to bounce ideas off people. I've joined a couple of journaling online groups.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
journal page
Annie my girl

I must say that I'm happy with the way her eyes came out. Although there are times I look at this and think she looks a little like Wilma Flintstone. But then again Wilma never looked as good as my Annie. Want to journal tonight. I just wanted to get a portrait done first, so hopefully I will do a page in one of my journals. I've joined some online groups and I'm just in awe of some people's work. I think I've accepted my "style." I always overdue the eyes just a bit. I have large eyes and I think we tend to look for ourselves in our subjects--I don't know. I like the limited color palette, it's just simpler. I have to thank Pam Carriker for that. I'm not constantly trying to incorporate different color schemes in and just overdoing something.
Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hold Strong

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
still wary
Acrylic, colored pencil on watercolor journal. Titan buff skin tone base, payne's grey, burnt umber and raw sienna and sepia water color crayon for shadows. Penciled the eyes--still struggle with the eyes with paint. The irises in particular are tough. Pencil lets me get in there and play with light, and I love an eye with green in it. I need to do this with paint-- want to transfer journal to canvas.....occasionally....Canvas means sale, sale means to create what mass market want, what mass market wants is not necessarily what I want to create.
Still smarting over some issues....jeez, can you tell?
Friday, June 18, 2010
seminal moment
No art work--just angst. Today for one of few times in my life, I stood up to a person in power, made my anger and feelings known, and didn't hold back. I can count the times I've done this in my life literally on one hand.
In October I will be fifty.
It's been a long time and a lot of years of taking crap and walking away. I was nervous, but I did it.
And guess what, the bully backed down. Every time she came at me. I swung( not literally) right back. And she finally shut up.
Now, I may have sabotaged my career, but I no longer live in fear. I have proven myself as someone to be reckoned with.....finally. It's been a long time coming, but I did it. And I can do it again.
Don't get me wrong--I hate fighting with people. I like quiet, nice play. I'm ok, you're ok atmosphere. But perhaps for the second half of my life, I can start worrying less about what people think of me, and more about what I think of them.
If I can do this, after being raised by two domineering, opinionated parents, and siblings, anyone can. And maybe in my art, I can start having a little more fun, and stop worrying about if my work is "right".
In October I will be fifty.
It's been a long time and a lot of years of taking crap and walking away. I was nervous, but I did it.
And guess what, the bully backed down. Every time she came at me. I swung( not literally) right back. And she finally shut up.
Now, I may have sabotaged my career, but I no longer live in fear. I have proven myself as someone to be reckoned with.....finally. It's been a long time coming, but I did it. And I can do it again.
Don't get me wrong--I hate fighting with people. I like quiet, nice play. I'm ok, you're ok atmosphere. But perhaps for the second half of my life, I can start worrying less about what people think of me, and more about what I think of them.
If I can do this, after being raised by two domineering, opinionated parents, and siblings, anyone can. And maybe in my art, I can start having a little more fun, and stop worrying about if my work is "right".
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Pull inward, up and out
Sunday, May 23, 2010
all that you dream....really
This started as an absolute mess. Sketched, then went in heavy with caran de arch II water soluble crayons. Kept having to neutralize skin tone, warm it up(reds) then add touches of cool color blues. I don't think I'd start so harsh next time, but overall effect was good. I like it, but it was a process.
Puzzlement over life's ups and downs...."just what is true? What else can you do? Keep your eyes on the road that's ahead of you...." I guess don't dwell. Dwelling on things keeps you down, even when you've "been down, but not like this before, can't be 'round this kind of show no more..."
Move forward with your life.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Dream it....Live it
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Begin again
"...so we cheated and we lied and we tested,
and we never failed to fail,
it was the easiest thing to do.
You will survive being
Moving on, moving forward.
Liking the watercolors in the journal...the portraits have a more ethereal quality. Love these lyrics, words to live by. I like the white pen, am freer with writing when it's not so bold.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
journal entries watercolor mixed media
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Honor what you know to be true
I'm happy with it now. I have to laugh-- wrote a serious blog about myself and posted it on the wrong blog. To make matters worse it was about artistic intellect and sensibility and my personal experience. I have to laugh--I just have to....:)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Keep Looking
Creativity ebbs and flows, and mine seems to have frozen some. But I've been reading on my kindle which is such fun. My latest book is "The Help" which is wonderful. Lot of recommendations, but I get leery of books that are widely read and receive great critical acclaim. I tend to be disappointed. But The Help is right up there with Water for Elephants. Worth every bit of praise it gets.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
In Between the Grays
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Into the Blues
Friday, January 8, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Being Creative....
It just comes naturally, right? No. You are, or you aren't. I don't think so. I'm just not artistic, yet how many times have you seen someone be so creative in their lives, but they don't recognize it as creativity?
The only truisms that I subscribe to is that everyone is creative, because it's part of being human. It simply manifests itself in different ways. Being tactful, for example, requires a huge amount of creativity, but people who are tactful and yes, kind, are not recognized as artistic. Maybe they need to start wearing black berets and drinking copious amounts of coffee or wine. Or adopt a holy than thou attitude?
I'm a teacher, the other day I had to tie a fourth grader's shoe discreetly in a cafeteria full of his peers. This had to be done quickly and covertly so as not to embarrass the child. How many times have you done this type of thing in your life, and then come home from work and berated yourself because you didn't finish a painting? Recognize your creative energies in everyday life, and give yourself a pat on the back!
The only truisms that I subscribe to is that everyone is creative, because it's part of being human. It simply manifests itself in different ways. Being tactful, for example, requires a huge amount of creativity, but people who are tactful and yes, kind, are not recognized as artistic. Maybe they need to start wearing black berets and drinking copious amounts of coffee or wine. Or adopt a holy than thou attitude?
I'm a teacher, the other day I had to tie a fourth grader's shoe discreetly in a cafeteria full of his peers. This had to be done quickly and covertly so as not to embarrass the child. How many times have you done this type of thing in your life, and then come home from work and berated yourself because you didn't finish a painting? Recognize your creative energies in everyday life, and give yourself a pat on the back!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Okay, I am happy with this one. I kind of went back to the beginning. Colored pencil on paper, glued to wood, then clear gesso, went back over the eyes again with colored pencil, then found my caran de arche water soluble crayons (yay!!!!) used them, and finally used acrylic for the background. I think the clear gesso gives the second round of colored pencil some tooth, and the water crayons really work better with shading. I will probably collage a little and then seal. Oh and almost forgot...little lighter on the lips--looks more natural.
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